Top 4 Tips to Ace in Chemistry

23:07 0 Comments A+ a-

Chemistry teaches us a lot about the matter that constantly surrounds us; what is its composition, where does it come from and what kind of properties it inherits? Academically, chemistry is broadly classified into two main categories: organic and inorganic. Chemistry is quite an interesting subject but still it gives students many sleepless nights. If you interact with any college or school going subject and ask them about the most dreaded subject, the answer would be unanimously: chemistry.  

But, it is not so. With well researched and well prepared chemistry notes for class 12 and dedication to understand the concepts of chemistry, this subject is nothing but a cake walk. Apart from the note, the expert academics are also there to help out the students. With their expert guidance and several tips on how to study chemistry, students can easily ace in any of the examinations of the subject. Let us find out what those tips are: 

#1Read the content before attending the class
Also known as ‘class reversed’ or ‘flipped classroom’, reading the content before attending its class has positive effect on the whole learning process. This strategy encourages pupils to study before going to the class which makes it very easy for them to follow the subject when it is being taught in the class. With the previous learned things and with new perspective gained in the class, students can raise their concerns in a better way. 

#2 Understanding rather than memorizing
When it comes to studies, it should be based on understanding the concepts rather memorizing them. The reason behind is that you can only remember a certain part of what you have memorised but when you understand the logic of each and every chemical mechanism, you tend to remember it even after a few months.  
#3 Take the help of flashcards
Chemistry is one course that is filled with symbols, formulas and scientific language that sometimes is too confusing to remember. To remember such vast information, flashcards are the one that can actually help you a lot. 

#4 Prepare notes
While in the class, simply paying attention isn’t enough as you have to attend so many classes. Instead of simply listening, making notes regarding the information is much better strategy.  

Apart from all these tips, you can also take the help of experts and their chemistry notes for class 12 that are easily available with RevoEdu. They offer guidance and study material for the board examinations as well as career examinations. Visit the website at for more information. 

Score High on Physics with Elaborative Physics Notes for Class 12

02:45 2 Comments A+ a-

The examination is the time when students often look for their notes for revision purposes. This is because every student prepares notes in such a way that they do not need to go through the books at the time of examination. If you are looking for Physics notes for class 12, then you can take help of the online educational websites that provide chapter wise notes. These notes include all the tips and tricks that can make attempting questions easy and effective. The best thing about these notes is, it helps you retain maximum facts and formula's and are easy to understand.  

The examination is a stressful time. It not only involves going through the enormous syllabus but also remembering important facts and details. These notes come handy and contain live examples which can make the process lot more simple and hassle free. Apart from chapter-wise explanations, you can also go through previous years’ exam papers. These notes cover almost all the important terms, details and formula's in a clear and lucid manner.  

If you want to stay prepared about your examination, then we have collected some of the great tips that can help you prepare physics notes for class 12.  

  • When you are creating notes, always keep in mind that you should identify the important points and write them into your notebook in the shortest form. This is because lengthy explanations are given in the books as well and it is important you use the possible shortest forms so that you can quickly go over the important details. 
  • Always use proper titles and sub-titles when you are preparing physics notes because relating information would be much easier and effective if you prepare notes in an organized manner. 
  • If you think any question requires making tables or diagrams, then you should always include tables and diagrams to make them elaborative and helpful.  
  • Write down all the formulas on one page so that you can quickly go through them during examinations.  

If you are looking for elaborative, explanatory and brief physics notes for class 12, then you can get it from- Visit the website for more information.